is a Pakistan based web directory and contains lists of the websites which are only related to Pakistan. Database is categorized into different topics.
About is a comprehensive human-edited index of Pakistani websites and contains brief information about the listed organization. The idea behind is that, most of the web directories which are related to Pakistan are mainly focus to run Google Ad sense or Paid. So there is a need of free web directory, without Ad sense or financial oriented. Dmoz Pakistan launched as Pakistan Web Directory for free for all Pakistani websites which are owned by Pakistani Nationals. Submitted links are verified once suggested before coming online.
Main Categories of Pakistan Web Directory
Arts and Entertainment Non-commercial Pakistani websites related to Arts and Entertainment.
Business and Economy Websites related to Business and Economy within Pakistan.
Education Websites of educational institutions operating in Pakistan.
Government of Pakistan Websites of Pakistan Government and related departments.
Health Websites of health related departments operating in Pakistan.
Internet Pakistani websites providing Internet and related services.
Maps and Views Websites providing maps and images related to Pakistan and operating in Pakistan.
News and Media News and Media websites operating in Pakistan.
Provinces of Pakistan Provincial websites in indexed in categorized format.
Recreation and Sports Non-commercial sports organizations operating in Pakistan.
Science and EnvironmentScience and Environment related organizations operating in Pakistan.
Society and Culture Society and Cultural organizations operating in Pakistan.
Transportation Websites of transport related departments operating in Pakistan.
Travel-and-Tourism Websites of Travel and Tourism related departments operating in Pakistan.
Special Categories of Pakistan Web Directory
Balochistan Websites related to Balochistan Pakistan.
F.A.T.A Websites related to Federally Administered Tribal Areas on Pakistan.
Gilgit and Baltistan Websites related to Gilgit and Baltistan Pakistan.
Islamabad Websites related to Islamabad Pakistan.
Jammu and Kashmir Websites related to Jammu and Kashmir Pakistan.
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa - KPK Websites related to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan.
Punjab Websites related to Punjab Pakistan.
Sindh Websites related to Sindh Pakistan.
Kids and Teens Special category for Kids and Teens of Pakistan.
Urdu Websites Special category for Urdu Websites related Pakistan.
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